Country music star Cody Johnson shops at Memories Made...

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We get asked to do some pretty cool things here at Memories Made - like creating a custom leather journal, leather flask and leather hunting log for country music star Cody Johnson. 

I may not know who he is - my music knowledge has a hard stop at 1989 - but I am told he is kind of a big deal. 

He has legions of fans, lots of top 10 songs, and some great videos like this one with 95 million views:


Cody is on tour now and you can check out his website here for his upcoming tour dates.

His gifts were presented to him when he played to a sold out crowd at Budweiser Gardens in London Ont on August 10th. 

Apparently he loved everything so much he is writing his next hit song about his custom journal, hunting log and leather flask from Memories Made.  We are quite touched. 

Kids got some talent - we wish him well! 

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